Introducing Gender Neutral Pricing Into Your Salon


As we cascade through a new era of beauty and grooming, there’s a seismic shift in the way society views gender and beauty. Traditionally, beauty salons and barbershops have been rigidly binary in their marketing, services, and pricing. But times are changing, and with change comes the opportunity to redefine the future of your salon. The UK male grooming market was a staggering £500 million in 2019, and with one in every 20 men donning makeup, the clear signals are there: gender-neutral salon marketing isn’t just a trend, it’s the future. Searches for male makeup and skincare have catapulted by up to 175%, making it imperative for salons to be inclusive and progressive.

Salons that are taking the lead are seen as safe and inclusive spaces, like Timothy David Studio which is renowned for providing premium hair services to all individuals across all communities. With honest and non-sexually discriminated prices based on hair length rather than gender, “The reason I set my prices based on hair length rather than gender” shares Timothy “is because I want to be inclusive of everyone and not subject someone to a higher price, simply because of their gender. From a clipper cut to a short haircut (such as a pixie), we have a set price and then everything else is classed as a ‘general cut & blow dry’. Any dramatic change in length or style is also then classed as a ‘restyle’”.

Here's how you can incorporate gender-neutral pricing in your salon, backed by its benefits and the diverse pricing methods you can explore:

Why Gender Neutral Pricing?

Broadened Market: By embracing gender neutrality, you're opening doors to the vibrant LGBTQ+ and non-binary communities, not just catering to the traditional male-female clientele.

Economic Benefits: As per statistics, a gender-neutral approach not only taps into the growing male grooming market but also offers the potential for substantial salon growth.

Equality & Fairness: A gender-neutral pricing system underscores the importance of equality. It ensures that clients are charged based on the service they're receiving rather than their gender identity.

Introducing a gender-neutral system might be challenging, especially if your salon has been traditionally catering to a particular gender. There's a potential resistance from both team members and existing clientele. It's crucial to maintain open communication, addressing concerns and highlighting the benefits of the change.

Rebranding for Neutrality:

  1. Gender-neutral Marketing Materials: Strip away any gender references like 'ladies' styling or 'male waxing' and base your services on the nature of the service.

  2. Salon Decor & Imagery: Aim for a neutral aesthetic that's welcoming to all. A salon decked out entirely in pink might deter a broader clientele.

  3. Communication: Use gender-neutral pronouns and always inquire about clients' preferences.

  4. Collaboration: Collaborate with local LGBTQ+ influencers to promote inclusivity and widen your customer base.

Incorporating Gender Neutral Pricing:

  1. Pricing Based on Service Complexity: Some styles require more skill and expertise than others. A balayage might be priced higher than a simple root touch-up, irrespective of gender.

  2. Pricing Based On Length: Given that longer hair requires more products and time, a tiered system based on hair length can be introduced. For instance, differentiate prices for hair that’s above the jaw, below the shoulder, etc.

  3. Pricing Based On Clippers Vs. Scissors: Tools play a role in pricing. A scissor cut might cost different from a clipper shave based on the intricacy and technique involved.

  4. Pricing Based On Time: Charge an hourly rate for services. This is transparent and ensures clients are only paying for the time they spend in the chair.

  5. Mix & Match: Use a blend of these pricing strategies. For instance, offer “maintenance haircuts” at different price tiers based on length, technique, and tools used.

While fostering inclusivity, it's pivotal to remain compliant with the UK’s equality and advertising laws. Discrimination is unlawful. Offer equal services at equal prices to everyone, ensuring no bias against any gender, race, or sexual orientation. Ensure your advertising doesn’t perpetuate harmful stereotypes or present unhealthy body images.

As the beauty industry metamorphoses, gender-neutral salon marketing is a bold step forward, harnessing a vast potential market. However, while inclusivity is paramount, it's crucial that in the quest for neutrality, salons don't become bland and generic. It's about celebrating individuality, recognizing diversity, and yet, in pricing, ensuring that everyone is treated equally.

HairNatalia Kulak