Melissa Timperley to Launch Gender Neutral Pricing as the Salon in Manchester


Melissa Timperley in Manchester, owned by award-winning stylist Melissa Timperley, is the first hairdressers in Manchester to introduce gender neutral pricing for services, in a bid to address diversity within salons in the city.

A concept she has worked on during lockdown, Melissa is keen to start 2021 with a renewed focus on inclusivity within the salon environment – a new way of pricing for a new era as salons open their doors on the 12th of April.

Removing the traditional ‘ladies’ and ‘gents’ hair cut services from the price list, all haircuts at Melissa Timperley will now simply be booked on an amount of time and expertise of the stylist and priced accordingly.

Melissa said, “Manchester is a dynamic city that embraces all types of people and I wanted my salon to reflect this welcoming culture of inclusion and acceptance.

“Our new gender-neutral pricing will remove any labelling of clients and this feels like a positive step towards a more inclusive salon environment for all our customers.”

Gender-neutral pricing is an emerging movement that recognises not only gender fluidity but hair trends of the now. It is not uncommon for women to rock a pixie cut or men to enjoy long locks, and therefore a reform of pricing makes the hair salon experience fairer for all. The concept also goes someway to address the ‘pink tax’ - a term for the inflated prices of female products and services.

Melissa adds, “To stylists, hair is hair. Whether it’s long or short, fine or curly, male or female, it doesn’t matter to us, we are here to make you look and feel your best. Our clients will be paying for a service based on our time and expertise, not their gender.”