Trending Treatment: Phenol Peel


If you're looking to improve the appearance of your skin, a phenol peel may be the latest trending treatment to consider. This type of chemical peel is known for its ability to address a variety of skin concerns, including fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars. However, like all cosmetic procedures, there are both benefits and risks to consider. We sat down with Dr Radmila Lukian, dermatologist and anti-aging specialist at Lucia Clinic to learn a little bit more about the treatment that is taking social media by storm.

What are some of the most common skin concerns that can be addressed with a phenol peel?

Phenol peels are a powerful tool for addressing a range of skin concerns, particularly in older clients seeking more dramatic results. These types of chemical peels are capable of treating a wide range of issues, including deep wrinkles, sun damage, age spots, and uneven skin tone.

While not suitable for younger individuals, phenol peels remain a popular choice for those seeking to reverse the effects of aging and achieve smoother, more youthful-looking skin. In fact, phenol peels are often used as a last resort for clients who have tried other treatments without achieving the desired results.

Phenol peels work by removing the outermost layer of skin, which is often the most damaged and visible layer, and stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. This process can lead to significant improvements in the appearance of the skin, including reduced wrinkles and fine lines, increased firmness and elasticity, and a more even skin tone.

While phenol peels are highly effective, they are also among the most intense forms of chemical peeling, with a longer recovery period than some other options. As such, they are typically reserved for clients who are willing to undergo a more involved treatment process in order to achieve the most impressive results.

Despite the availability of newer technologies, such as CO2 lasers, phenol peels remain a popular choice for clients seeking significant and long-lasting improvements to their skin. With proper care and maintenance, the results of a phenol peel can last for years, making it a worthwhile investment for those seeking a more youthful appearance.

QWhat are some of the risks associated with phenol peels, and how do you minimize these risks for patients?

Phenol peels are a deep type of chemical peel and, as such, carry some inherent risks. These risks include scarring, infection, changes in skin color, and uneven skin tone. However, with appropriate care and attention, these risks can be minimized for patients.

Firstly, it is important to evaluate each patient's skin type and medical history thoroughly to determine if they are a good candidate for the procedure. Patients with sensitive skin, rosacea, acne, or allergies that have not been properly addressed are not ideal candidates for phenol peels.

Secondly, the procedure should be performed by a trained and experienced professional in a sterile environment using the appropriate techniques and equipment. The technique used during the process is critical to achieving good results and minimizing risks.

Finally, close observation of the client during the application and healing process is crucial to ensuring the best possible outcomes. Patients should be monitored carefully during the application of the peel to ensure that their skin is reacting appropriately. Aftercare instructions should be provided in detail, and patients should be closely monitored during the healing process to minimize complications.

In summary, while phenol peels do carry some risks, these risks can be minimized by appropriate patient selection, a well-trained professional, and close observation during the application and healing process. By following these guidelines, patients can achieve excellent results with minimal complications.

What can patients expect during and after a phenol peel procedure? How long does the recovery process typically take?

During a phenol peel procedure, patients may experience a burning or stinging sensation as the solution is applied to their skin. This feedback is important for the doctor to ensure that the peeling solution has reached the targeted area of the skin.

Results from phenol peels are typically excellent. While the recovery process has traditionally taken around two weeks, it can be expedited by combining the peel with other procedures such as PRP, LED light therapy, or stem cell treatments. This makes it a great option for clients who are looking for drastic results in a single session, rather than multiple sessions with laser treatments.

One of the advantages of phenol peels is that the healing process is predictable and controllable. However, it is important to note that this type of peel is not suitable for all clients, and should not be considered as a first-choice treatment. It is typically more affordable than other treatments, making it a popular choice for female clients who are not regularly working on their skin but seeking to achieve significant improvement.

In summary, patients can expect to experience some discomfort during and after a phenol peel procedure, with a recovery period of around two weeks. However, by combining the peel with other treatments and working with a skilled professional, clients can achieve excellent, long-lasting results that are well worth the investment.