What You Need to Know Before Buying an E-File

E-files are often a hot topic - are they safe, do they cause damage to the nail, but once you’ve decided to opt into efiles, how do you go about picking one? We’ve prepared a summary of the most important criteria helpful in choosing an e-file that meets your needs, to definitively dispel all doubts. First and foremost, you need to accurately determine how you will use your new e-file. Consider:

– The number of clients you handle during a workday,

– The types of treatments and tasks you perform during them,

– Continuous operating time without switching off,

– Type of work: stationary or mobile,

– Price range.

These criteria will significantly narrow down your search area, but to find the specific best e-file for you, you also need detailed technical knowledge about this helpful equipment.

Let's start with the handpiece. The appearance, weight, or the material it is made of should be visible to the naked eye and should be chosen according to personal preference. However, you should pay attention to whether all elements of the handpiece are well-fitted together and whether the "twist lock" is not loose. The most important part is the "heart" of the handpiece, which is the motor. There are two types of motors: brushed and brushless.

Brushed Motor

This is the most popular and inexpensive motor, installed in many models: from the cheapest "no name" ones to popular and proven branded e-files. In every motor, both brushed and brushless, there is a rotor. In the brushed model, this is a rod wrapped in thin wires (windings). As the name suggests, the rotor rotates, causing the bit inserted into the handpiece to rotate as well. To rotate, a magnetic field must be generated. This is made possible by magnets outside the rod and contacts that change the magnetic field so that it is the same on the rotor as the magnets. Simply put, the ends of the rotor repel from the walls of the magnets, causing it to rotate. To make this process happen, we need electricity. To deliver it to our motor, we need brushes, which are small elements that conduct electricity. These brushes wear out due to the rotational movement of the rotor and friction – they are a replaceable element. To prevent the e-file from vibrating during operation, it is commonly said that "the motor must be balanced." This specifically means that appropriate weights must be placed on the windings during production to ensure operation without any vibrations. This aspect is definitely one of the indicators of the e-file's quality, as well as the material from which the brushes are made and the number of motor windings. The more windings, the smoother the operation. We also need to consider that this type of motor may have slight power drops, felt as momentary slowdowns, as well as slight warmth on the entire handpiece and noise. This is a natural phenomenon caused by the friction of the brushes.

Unfortunately, not every manufacturer ensures the quality of their products, which is often reduced in mass, sloppy production – which allows for a significant reduction in price. Depending on the purpose for which you will use a brushed motor e-file, choose the price range. If you will use it sporadically (for example, only for basic cuticle work), and your client base is small, you can purchase a fairly good e-file for a low price. However, if you have many clients, and you use the e-file not only for cuticle work but also to remove mass or occasionally perform cosmetic pedicures (longer continuous working time, more precise work) – it would be in your best interest to buy an e-file in a higher price range.

Advantages of a brushed motor e-file:

– Low price – good quality.

Disadvantages of a brushed motor e-file:

– Servicing of wear parts (brushes)

– Power drops

– Noisy operation

– Heat felt on the handpiece due to the work of the brushes.

Brushless Motor

How is the brushless motor different from the brushed motor described above? The difference is fundamental. By using a rotor that is a magnet itself, no brushes are needed for the current flow, so there is no friction, and this motor operates very quietly. The magnetic field in this design moves asymmetrically, so the operation of this motor is smooth and stable. Power drops are practically non-existent. The prices of brushless manicure e-files are much higher to brushes motors.

Advantages of a brushless motor e-file:

– High quality

– Smooth, stable operation, no power drops

– No heat felt on the handpiece

– Very quiet operation.

Disadvantages of a brushless motor e-file:

– Price

The second element of the e-file is its station (control unit). Similar to the handpiece, its appearance or size is not of primary importance – they are a matter of the user's subjective choice. The most important thing about this element is its functions. Again, you need to focus on the type and method of work you perform. If you work with an e-file in both directions, a variable speed option marked with the switch F/R, meaning Forward/Reverse, is useful. Some models (usually portable ones) also have a speed lock (in the form of a button or a knob lock) to prevent accidental activation during transport. This is a very useful function, especially for mobile services. Some models also have a display showing the current speed during operation, which is useful for beginners.

While appearance, as mentioned earlier, mainly has aesthetic significance, there is one thing that requires particular attention. Specifically, it is the power marked on the station measured in watts (W) and a permanent power cord or its absence – instead, only a charger is included. This applies, of course, to stationary and portable (battery-operated) models. Obviously, stationary models require a constant connection to power to operate. What can catch our attention is the power marked on the station. It varies depending on the model, and its value ranges from 12W to usually 65W, or even 150W. With proper construction and quality of the handpiece motor, good performance can be achieved with a brushed model with 45W power. How does this relate to the speed? Comparing physically a model with 12W power and a maximum speed of 30,000 RPM and a popular model with 45W/30,000 RPM, you will notice that working with both at a speed of around 10,000 RPM, the weaker one is much more difficult to operate. The e-file stops, forcing you to press harder or increase the speed, which can result in uncontrolled filing of the nail plate. This indicates too low a so-called "torque," meaning simply: the power is too low in relation to how fast the e-file can rotate. This is particularly noticeable in brushed motor e-files because they require a significantly higher power-to-torque ratio than brushless models, due to their previously described construction.

Another significant drawback of "weaker" e-files is that they "start" only at speeds around 5-7,000 RPM. This makes it impossible to work safely with e-files at minimal speeds, which is necessary for many tasks performed with a sharp bit. Therefore, if a stationary e-file is to work smoothly, it should not have less than 45W power, a maximum speed of 30,000 RPM, and a torque of 5.71 mNm (if marked) for a brushed model. However, it should be remembered that the greater the rotational speed capability, the power of the e-file should also proportionally increase. The power-to-torque ratio in battery-powered (portable) e-files is similarly represented. Relatively high power combined with too low torque will result in the situation mentioned above: even at 10,000 RPM, the bit may slow down or stop entirely. Battery-powered e-files are definitely a more convenient alternative for those running a mobile business due to their size. With a good quality battery of 1500-1800 mAh, you can comfortably work with it all day or even two. So what should you pay attention to? Actually, all the parameters mentioned above: – Power (battery e-files usually have slightly less power than stationary ones, which does not necessarily indicate lower quality work considering other parameters) – Maximum speed (more is not better, the power-to-speed ratio must be balanced) – Torque (if such information is provided by the manufacturer) – Type of motor (brushed motor requires more power for smooth operation) – Battery capacity (minimum 1500 mAh).

As with any electric battery, the battery in the e-file operates in two modes: as a receiver of electrical energy and as its source. During charging, the current flows from the socket to the battery, meaning the battery absorbs electrical energy. It then converts it into chemical energy, which is subsequently converted back into electrical energy – the battery becomes its source during e-file operation. During charging, the current flows in the opposite direction to that during energy release. The side effect of working while charging may not be an explosion, but a permanent decrease in efficiency or damage to the battery already so. As a result, you should never charge your e-file while using it.

So, is a battery-powered e-file suitable for working in a stationary salon? Of course! The only thing you need to remember is proper charging.

In the sets of brushed, brushless, stationary, or battery e-files, you can find an included power pedal. Remember, it does not work like a car accelerator pedal but merely enables the current flow – the speed set on the station will remain at the same level even with maximum pedal pressure.

As you can see, purchasing the right e-file for you should not be based solely on the opinions of users of specific models. Now you can determine for yourself what you really need. Good luck!

NailsNatalia Kulak