Hydrafacial Hosts First-Ever UK Physicians Summit

Hydrafacial proudly hosted its inaugural "Masters at the Machine" physicians’ summit exclusively for Doctors on June 2nd and 3rd at the picturesque Belton Woods in Grantham. The event brought together leading medical professionals and Hydrafacial partners, including Dr. Ana Mansouri, Dr Manav Bawa, Dr Kamran Amjed, Dr Rosh, Dr Ahmed Elhoussieny, and Dr Amanda Hong, for an intensive and informative experience.

The summit aimed to provide advanced training on Hydrafacial's revolutionary treatments, focusing particularly on their exclusive Wet Diamond tip. This innovative tool, available only to certified doctor clinics, offers medical-grade exfoliation for patients, significantly enhancing treatment results.

The event commenced with a welcome dinner, providing an opportunity for attendees to network and discuss the evolving landscape of aesthetic medicine. The following morning, Hydrafacial facilitated an in-depth training session. This included comprehensive insights into the science and technology behind Hydrafacial treatments and hands-on practice with the Wet Diamond tip, led by KOL Dr Ana Mansouri.

Erin White, Vice President Sales Performance, EMEA, and Country Manager, Hydrafacial UK & Ireland, expressed her enthusiasm for the summit, stating, "We are delighted to have hosted our first Masters at the Machine event. This summit offered participating doctors a first-hand look at what Hydrafacial can achieve for their practices, helping them elevate patient outcomes."

The "Masters at the Machine" summit marks a significant milestone for Hydrafacial, highlighting the company's commitment to advancing medical aesthetics through experts, innovation, and education. By equipping doctors with cutting-edge tools and knowledge, Hydrafacial aims to set new standards in patient care and treatment efficacy.

Natalia Kulak